Did you interrupt your scientific career for family duties? Would you like to continue doing research in climate science on a topic related to atmospheric circulation, climate dynamics, teleconnections, predictability, extreme events, surface-atmosphere coupling, or impacts and warnings?

Applications are now open for a position of postdoctoral researcher as part of the “Equality grant” (3 years) at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland).


The grant enables a researcher who has had to reduce or interrupt their research activities significantly because of their family situation to focus on their personal research with the aim of developing their academic career.

For more information on the research in the group please consult https://wp.unil.ch/atmos/

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact D. Domeisen (daniela.domeisen@unil.ch).

For more information on the grant please see the attached pdf. Deadline for application: May 20, 2024.

Apply online: https://career5.successfactors.eu/career?_s.crb=DlJZrfVniBjFY31CB3bJ4nVfq%252fIpIrH2Ep3u46r%252bHlg%253d