The Climate and Coastal Ecosystem Lab at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to participate in research on drivers of ocean extreme events and their effects on coastal ecosystems. Our research group ( led by Prof. Simon Donner (, conducts interdisciplinary research at the intersection of climate science, marine science and policy.

Periods of anomalously warm sea surface temperatures, often termed marine heatwaves, attributed to human-caused climate change have caused mass mortality and phase shifts in coastal ecosystems. In addition to other areas of climate research (, people in our group have studied the drivers of marine heatwaves and their effects on coral reef and kelp systems at the global scale using large-scale numerical modelling and data analysis, and also in the equatorial Pacific (e.g., Republic of Kiribati, Galápagos Archipelago) using field surveys.

The new postdoctoral researcher would focus on one or more project(s) related to i) temporal dynamics of warm-season marine heatwaves in the equatorial Pacific, ii) assessing and projecting the effect of compound climate extremes on coastal ecosystems using available databases, iii) changing baselines for estimating heat stress on coastal ecosystems.

Qualifications: Applicants must have PhD in climate science, oceanography, or a related marine science field, experience with large-scale numerical modelling and data analysis (i.e., Matlab, Python and Linux shell scripting), and a demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary research spanning the fields of coastal ecology, oceanography and climate science. Expertise in coral reef or kelp ecosystems is an asset. The ideal candidate is a rigourous, self-motivated scientist with excellent analytical and communication skills who will thrive working with a diverse and interdisciplinary group of researchers.

Position Details: This is a full-time two-year position with the potential to extend to a third year depending on funding. The annual salary starts at $60,000 CAD per year. UBC offers postdocs ( a wide-ranging benefits plan that includes extended health and dental coverage. Postdocs are encouraged to apply for external funding to support their independent research building on this position within the research group.

Application Instructions: Please email with the title “CCEL Postdoctoral Position” and the following materials:

  • body of e-mail:
    • brief description of your background, career vision and fit to the position
    • one or two specific research questions you’d like to address within the above topics
    • the methods you would use to answer the question(s)
  • names and contact information of two professional references
  • a copy of your latest CV
  • one representative sample of your research (for which you are lead author)

Applicants will hear back within three weeks if there is a potential fit.