Global climate model simulations still have significant biases in the extent of summer Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. One of the reasons is the coarse resolution of the models, which forbids an adequate representation of the processes that control the evolution of the ice edge, such as the interactions between sea ice and oceanic eddies, the influence of landfast ice, the role of coastal currents, the complex bathymetry, … In this context, the Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (ELIC ; / Earth and Life Institute (ELI ; of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain ;, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium is seeking a postdoctoral fellow for conducting and comparing thoroughly simulations with the global sea ice-ocean general circulation model NEMO4-SI3 ( driven by an atmospheric reanalysis at two different horizontal resolutions, namely 1° and 1/12°, in order to determine how resolution impacts the model mean state and the model ability to reproduce the summer sea ice extent record lows observed recently in both the Arctic and Antarctic.

The successful candidate should have a PhD in ocean/sea ice modelling or related fields, and should have published in peer-reviewed scientific international journals. Experience in polar oceanography/glaciology is an asset. Advanced programming, post-processing and data managment/analysis skills are required. He/she should be fluent in English due to the multiple interactions planned with other members of ELIC and should have demonstrated ability in team working.

The position is offered for 24 months (the starting date can be negociated). Note that it is only accessible to researchers who did not spend the last 2 years in a Belgian lab and who have less than 6-yr experience after their PhD thesis defense. The net monthly salary (incl. social insurance) will amount to 2550-2750 EUR, depending on seniority. Public transportation to and from the workplace will be covered.

Applicants should send by e-mail to Thierry Fichefet ( (i) a statement of research experience, qualification and interest, (ii) a complete CV, including a list of publications, and (iii) the name of two scientists who would agree to write a letter of recommendation. Review of the applications will start on September 15th. The call will remain open until the position is filled.