The Coastal Hydrogeology lab at Old Dominion University (ODU) is looking for a new Ph.D. student to join our lab group starting in Fall 2023. The student will be fully supported by an NSF-sponsored project investigating carbon cycling in coastal wetlands using radionuclides as hydrogeologic tracers. Salt marsh ecosystems sequester and bury significant quantities of atmospheric carbon, with an unknown portion of carbon that is laterally exported to the coastal ocean from the tidal flushing and drainage of marsh sediments. The successful candidate will participate in multiple field campaigns with project team members from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and US Geological Survey. Interested applicants should send a copy of their CV to along with a brief description of their background and research interests, preferably by February 1st.
For more information on the ODU Coastal Hydrogeology lab:
For more information on ODU’s Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences:
Minimum Qualifications: B.S. in Oceanography, Geological Sciences, or a related field
Preferred Qualifications: M.S. in Oceanography, Geological Sciences, or a related field