We are looking to fill a PhD position in “Oceanography and ice shelf/ocean interaction in the Weddell Sea” (https://jobs.awi.de/Vacancies/1431/Description/2).
The application period closes on 14 August 2023 with a desired start of the position before the end of this year.
The project plans on investigating the impact of ice shelf meltwater on the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf and slope by use of model simulations and oceanographic moorings. The position will be based in the Physical Oceanography section at AWI, which includes a large variety of researchers working in the Antarctic and Arctic, using observations, models, and remote sensing. The Weddell Sea subgroup in the PO section framing this position is heavily involved in a number of international projects and collaborations, which will provide excellent internal and international networking opportunities for the student.
The candidate will have the opportunity to participate in a Polarstern expedition to the Weddell Sea in January-March 2025 to gain hands-on experience during CTD surveys and mooring deployments and recoveries.
Please forward the ad to potential candidates within your surroundings.