Position description: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=5001&ProjectId=172868&MediaId=5

Link for applications: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationForm/SinglePageApplicationForm.aspx?cid=5001&departmentId=10154&ProjectId=172868&MediaId=5

Researcher position in Regional Ocean Modelling

The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) has an opening to join the regional ocean modelling team in a full time researcher position. The successful applicant will be a part of a team within the weather research department working broadly with operational ocean modelling, reanalysis, marine climate simulations and operational development tasks.

The focus of the work is based on research projects alongside operational tasks.

The research tasks aim at developing next-generation estuarine/coastal/regional sea seamless ocean models in the combined Baltic Sea - North Sea region, based on existing two-way nested modelling tools at DMI and are aimed at supporting research projects including such as EDITO (www.edito-modellab.eu) and OLAMUR (https://olamur.eu/). These projects are tasked to develop an oceanic digital twin and coastal models with a capacity of resolving impacts of offshore aquaculture and wind farms, respectively.

The operational tasks aims at further developing existing as well as new models and components with an onset in models, which are a part of the current ocean modelling suite at DMI. The purpose is to support operational forecasting by work within e.g. integration of observations, multi-model ensemble forecasting, data assimilation, model improvement and machine learning.

The existing oceanic models applied within the ocean unit include NEMO (https://www.nemo-ocean.eu/) and HBM (https://ocean.dmi.dk/models/hbm.uk.php), but skilled applicants with other oceanic- or geoscience modelling experience are also relevant for these positions.

We will evaluate applications from both junior- and senior-level applicants: Please highlight clearly your experiences and skills within oceanic modelling, computational environments, coding and data processing, research and operational development experience and educational grading sheets explicitly in the application.

You will be working in a stimulating research environment including international collaboration and close collaboration with on-duty meteorologists, and will be part of a research team working with oceanography and modelling at DMI.

Expected qualifications

We expect a candidate to fulfil most of the following qualifications:

  • PhD degree in physical oceanography, earth physics, geo-sciences, engineering or similar
  • Or, alternatively, a master degree alongside oceanic modelling experience
  • Programming and code development skills in a UNIX environment is necessary (preferably based on Fortran - experience with e.g. Python and shell scripts are an advantage)
  • Research experience and track record in peer reviewed output is a clear advantage
  • Skills on coastal and/or near-shore modelling or similar is expected
  • Skills on high performance computing, big data and ensemble forecasting are an advantage
  • Good communication skills in both oral and written English
  • Capacity of working in a team together with a good team spirit

About the unit

The Weather Research Department at DMI employs a staff of approx. 60 scientists, of which eleven currently work within the ocean modelling team in the Department for Weather Research, in close collaboration with other research departments (internally and externally), as well as meteorologists and hydrologists. We have a strong international profile, which is also reflected in the many nationalities and in an English working language.

Employment and Salary

Will be according to the Danish Law and Agreements. It will be possible to apply for an addition to the basic salary. The position are temporary and full-time, limited for a period of three years. There is a possibility for extension pending on funding possibilities. DMI offers a flexible working week of 37 hours including a paid lunch break, and six weeks of paid vacation annually. Employment area is The Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate and associated institutions.

For further details about the position please contact Head of Ocean and Radar: Morten A D Larsen, +45 21730395 or by email; mla@dmi.dk.

The DMI wants to contribute to equal opportunities for women and men, and encourage all qualified persons to apply regardless of age, gender or ethnic background.


Please enclose a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (incl. publication list) and contacts for relevant professional references. The application should be received before 27th of October 2023. We expect to hold interviews the immediately after the application deadline. The invitation will be sent via email.

Please use the below link “Apply for Position”, and follow the instructions. Starting date is from 1st of January or soon as possible thereafter.