Deadline: November 30, 2023
The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research centre on climate change and its interactions with the environment, society, the world of business, and policymakers.
Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
Our Division of Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA), located in Lecce, is looking for a new position of PostDoc or Junior Scientist, responsible for the development and use of the ship weatherrouting VISIR model, use of meteo-oceanographic information, contributions in the frame of the Horizon Europe project EDITOModelLab and the UN ocean decade programme CoastPredict, use of climate data and AI technologies for coastal applications, preparation of scientific manuscripts and competitive project proposals.
Ph.D. in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering (if J.Scientist: also two years relevant working experience after the Ph.D.);
Both theoretical and practical knowledge of the Python programming language;
At least one recommendation letter (if J.Scientist: at least two letters);
Proficient verbal and written communication skills in English;
Positive interpersonal and collaborative capacity.
Knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating systems and script languages;
Knowledge of at least one versioning system;
Notions of operation research and optimization;
Working experience with data of maritime transport;
Hands-on experience with artificial neural networks;
Experience with HPC systems;
Manipulation of NetCDF data;
Additional programming languages.
The appointment period will be initially of 12 months starting from February 2024, renewable for 12 months additional months, pending a positive evaluation. Tenure can be granted from 2 to 4 years after being appointed as a Junior Scientist
The gross annual salary range is from 30 to 38K Euros for the PostDoc and 35 to 45K for the Junior Scientist, depending on qualification and working experience.
Welfare package
Flexible working time
Support during the immigration process, if needed
Belonging to legally protected categories (ex L. 68/99) will constitute a preferential condition.
More details and info about HOW TO APPLY: