The Physical Oceanography Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) invites candidates to apply to the open full-time tenure track position(s) on our scientific staff. We seek to hire at the Assistant Scientist level, but exceptional candidates at more senior levels may be considered.
We seek applicants with expertise in the broad areas of physical oceanography and/or climate dynamics that would complement the existing strengths in the PO department. We particularly seek innovative scientists working in physical oceanography and related topic areas including, but not limited to, 1) Climate dynamics, predictability, and impact, 2) Intersection of ocean physics-biogeochemistry-ecosystem/fisheries, and 3) Multi-scale processes in the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer. We invite scientists employing cutting-edge observational, theoretical, modeling, laboratory, and data-driven machine learning approaches. We encourage candidates to become familiar with WHOI’s recently completed “Vision2030” strategic planning.
Please visit our website for more information:—physical-oceanography/job