Job reference: SRF46066
Salary: £45,585 - £56,021 per annum
Closing date: 11/01/2024
Department: School of Mathematical Physical & Computational Sciences
Location: University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading UK
Employment type: AR-Research
Division: National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Meteorology Department
Hours Per Week: 1.00 FTE
Job live date: 21/11/2023
Employment Basis/Type: Full time, Fixed term up to 35 months
For further information, and to apply, please use this link:
We are seeking to employ a post-doctoral Research Scientist for the European Eddy-Rich Earth System Models (EERIE) project, funded by Horizon Europe, and, for UK partners, by UKRI. The post holder will be joining the Global High Resolution Climate Modelling (HRCM) programme, a key aspect of strategic research developed at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science in Reading and at the Met Office Hadley Centre.
The focus of the post is the analysis of multi-model centennial simulations in project EERIE, with the objective of discovering and characterising emergent processes and mechanisms, in both the atmosphere and ocean, in terms of mesoscale exchanges, transports and interactions, and how these in turn govern climate system variability, from synoptic scales all the way to multi-decadal.
The project will involve close collaboration with major research centres across Europe (CNRS in France, AWI, DKRZ and MPI in Germany, BSC in Spain, Met Office and ECMWF in the UK), as well as leading research groups (Brest, Louvain, ETHZ, Oxford, Reading) and within the National Centre for Atmospheric Science in the UK. The post holder will work very closely with the Met Office, with the National Oceanographic Centre, as well as with project partners at ECMWF.
Multiple collaborative opportunities are offered at the international level: HRCM lead scientists are involved in world-leading programmes (e.g. WCRP Digital Earths, EU Horizon 2020, EU Horizon Europe) and engage internationally in the co-design of modelling systems that span conceptual models, all the way to state-of-the-art numerical models.
You will have:
A PhD in Mathematics, Physics, Physical Science or equivalent research experience
Experience of analysis and visualisation of large and complex scientific datasets
Strong computer programming skills with experience in Fortran and Python
Knowledge of, or evidence of a serious interest in atmosphere and ocean dynamics and physics
Informal Contact Details
Contact Role: Principal Investigator
Contact Name: Prof Pier Luigi Vidale
Contact Email:
For further information, and to apply, please use this link: