Dealing Chen and Celine Heuzé are looking for a joint postdoc to work on their respective projects related to present and future winds and sea level around Scandinavia, primarily using CMIP6 outputs, to predict flooding risks and wind energy production notably. Longer description at link below.
Duration: 2 years, ideally starting in April 2024. Can be extended to 3 years if we obtain more funding and/or if you teach.
Location: University of Göteborg, in southwest Sweden. Sweden, not Switzerland. The funding source requests that your primary address be in Sweden during the entire project, but we are flexible regarding where you will really be working from.
Salary: set individually based on experience, but should be around 35 000 SEK per month. You also get 28 to 35 days off per year, depending on your age.
More information and link to apply:
Deadline for application 11 January 2024.
Apologies for cross-posting, and feel free to share within your networks.
Looking forward to reading your application!