Are you passionate about coastal water systems and hydrodynamic processes? Are you excited to study enclosed former estuaries with field measurements and numerical models? Then this job may be for you!
At Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands, we are looking for candidates for the PhD position Stratification, Circulation and Mixing in Enclosed Former Estuaries.
In this project, you will investigate the wind-related variations in stratification, circulation and mixing in enclosed former estuaries. You will study the role of these phenomena in the transport of anoxic deep water to the shallower areas. You will determine how processes such as wind-setup, upwelling, downwelling, internal waves and density-driven flows influence the dynamics. You will also investigate how these processes are affected by the strong bathymetric variations typical for former estuaries, with tidal channels and shoals. Finally, you will assess how these phenomena change under the influence of climate change. To investigate this, you will use a combination of field measurements and numerical modelling, using high-resolution thermistor strings, ADCP’s and echosounders and 3D numerical models in Delft3D Flexible Mesh.
For more info, look here. The closing date of the vacancy is January 16, 2024.