We are pleased to announce that we have an open position at LSCE (France, 25 km from Paris centre) for a Research engineer on the development of a rapid ice sheet model designed for multi-millenial applications.
The proposed position is part of the TRACCS-PC9-ISCLIM project, whose aim is to study the evolution of polar ice sheets, to better constrain their contribution to sea level rise, and to investigate their interactions with the other components of the climate system. The TRACCS-PC9-ISCLIM project is part of the larger TRACCS research program (https://climeri-france.fr/pepr-traccs/) which gathers the French climate modelling community. Its activities cover the fundamental understanding of climate change and its impacts, and extend to the development of prototype climate services co-constructed by stakeholders and climate modelling experts. The challenge is to accelerate the development of climate models to meet society’s expectations in terms of climate action, particularly in the area of adaptation to future climate change.
The main task of the engineer will consist in improving the numerical performance of the GRISLI ice sheet model via parallelization (MPI - OpenMP) and to modernize the code architecture. Evaluation will involve setting up and running simulations on reference test cases. The person recruited will work closely with the team of engineers and researchers working on the ISCLIM project. Ultimately, these developments will lead to the study of various physical processes on the past/future evolution of the ice sheets.
The engineer recruited will be responsible for:
- Parallelizing the code (MPI, OpenMP);
- Modernising the code architecture (Fortran);
- Diagnose the numerical stability of the model by carrying out experiments on idealised ice sheet geometries;
- Improve the initialization method (spinup) currently implemented (velocity inversion method using an iterative procedure);
- Integrate the GRISLI code into the IPSL climate model infrastructure (modipsl);
- Carrying out simulations on national supercomputers and producing diagnostics to evaluate the model and validate new developments;
- Working in synergy with the group of engineers recruited as part of the ISCLIM project and taking part in regular meetings to communicate on the progress of the various developments;
- Produce technical documentation related to developments and provide user support;
- Publication of developments in a dedicated journal (e.g. Geoscientific Model Developments) will be encouraged.
The position is currently advertised for 2 years but it might be renewed for 3 more years.
For more details, follow this link:
Send your application or inquiries to Aurelien Quiquet (aurelien.quiquet@lsce.ipsl.fr) or to Christophe Dumas (christophe.dumas@lsce.ipsl.fr).