Two postdoctoral researchers in physical oceanography at CNRS, Brest, France : Eddy rich earth system models
These positions are offered as part of the EERIE project (Eddy rich Earth System Models, ). EERIE aims to understand and simulate the role of ocean eddies in the present and future climate. Four coupled ocean-ice-atmosphere models are developed in the project (United Kingdom, Germany and Spain) with a fine grid in the ocean (4 to 10km). At the Laboratory of Physical and Space Oceanography (LOPS), the two postdoctoral fellows will use the numerical simulations run by the modelling centres to understand and quantify the role of eddies in processes that are key for future climate projections. This involves, on the one hand, the evolution of oceanic stratification and the thermal and haline content, and on the other hand, to understand and quantify the role of oceanic eddies in the internal variability of the climate on interannual to decadal time scales, and thus better quantify the uncertainties for decadal prediction and climate projections. The initial duration of the contracts is 18 months, with possible extensions.
The first postdoctoral fellow will study the dynamics of surface layers (ocean mixed layer and stratification) in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system in the presence of mesoscale ocean turbulence. The challenge is to understand how this turbulence contributes to heat and salt budgets, and to heat storage in the ocean in future climate scenarios. The second post-doctoral fellow will study the interactions between mesoscale turbulence and variability at the scale of ocean basins, as well as the impact of this turbulence on interannual climate predictability. Variance budgets will be used to quantify these interactions and their role in internal climate variability.
The selected researchers will join the “Ocean and Climate” team at LOPS in Brest ( ). LOPS is a joint laboratory between CNRS, Ifremer, the University of Brest and the Institute of Research for Development. The Ocean and Climate team is leader in high resolution modelling as well as international ocean observation programs.
The candidates will hold a PhD in physical oceanography or atmospheric dynamics, good knowledge of air-sea fluxes and ocean mesoscale eddies, and experience with analyzing large datasets from observations and/or numerical models. Programming skills and fluency with analysis software such as python or equivalent are required. The international collaboration context requires excellent written and spoken English, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
Starting date: May 2024, December 2024 at the latest.
Candidates must apply through CNRS:
Review of the applications will start on march 25th but the call will remain open until the position is filled. For information, please contact for the first postdoc profile and for the second.