The Ocean Dynamics research unit at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany, is looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate in the project “Enabling Lagrangian particle tracking for high-resolution and unstructured meshes” for 3 years. The PhD candidate will work in close collaboration with the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, the Utrecht University and an external software development company.
Scientific foci of the Ocean Dynamics research unit are, among others, i) the global relevance of oceanic eddies, turbulence, and upwelling, ii) the interaction of different physical processes und their role in ocean mixing, iii) scale interactions between ocean and atmosphere, and iv) the role of the oceans and their circulation in the climate system.
The PhD candidate will contribute to the evaluation and interpretation of ocean models and our understanding of particle pathways in the oceanic circulation.In particular, the focus is on particle paths in the Atlantic and how these depend on different ocean models and their ability to accurately represent physical processes and regimes. The PhD candidate will use the Lagrangian Ocean Analysis Toolbox Parcels to compute the particle paths based on model data, conceptualize new adjustments to the toolbox, support the implementation and test new options. This work will be carried out within a larger, interdisciplinary and team-oriented group at GEOMAR and together with the project partners.
You can find more job information and a link to the online application at:
Application deadline is 28th April 2024. The position may start as early as possible.
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this information. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact me directly ( or the central applications administration at .