A post doc position is available at LNL on climate change using radioisotopes.
The topic is : Adaptative responses of marine species to climate change by monitoring isotopic ratios
The candidate will also join the activity of the AGATA experimental group.
Application deadline 26/4/2026
Contact Information giacomo.deangelis@lnl.infn.it
Application for a temporary contract (18 months) for a researcher position (junior) financed by the Italian recovery plan (mission 4, component C2, investment 1.1), Reference n. 26578/2024
Research theme: “Adaptative responses of marine species to climate change by monitoring isotopic ratios.” The working location is the Legnaro National Laboratory of INFN.
The contract is for 18th months. The salary before tax per year is of 20419 euro wich corresponds to a monthly salary aUer tax of about 1500,06 euro. An additional financial help will be provided to people that have to move their residence to the town of Legnaro, Italy.
Requirement is a PhD degree in Physics gotten not before 3 years from now or a Master Degree gotten not before 6 years from now and a curriculum appropriate for conducting research activity with a period of at least 30 months of post-master degree research of which at least 2 years within a PHD program. In such a case the PHD degree must be gotten within 12 months from the staring of the contract.
The before mentioned years 3 period for the PhD can be extended in case of maternity (18 months per child) or in case of a documented disease with a length of more than 90 days.
Applicants should provide, before 26-04-2024, the following documents through the web site hZps://reclutamento.dsi.infn.it inserting the reference number 26578:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Publication list
- A copy of a valid identity document (ex. Passport)
Applicants can also indicate:
- names and email of two reference persons which can provide, before 26-04-2024, two letters of reference.
- any other document useful for the evaluation.
The date of a possible interview will be specified at a later stage.