Please see the list archives to view any non-text attachments: Dear all,
The Balearic Island Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB, Spain) is seeking a full-stack developer to work at developing a data workflow for producing value-added products from ocean glider missions in the framework of the Blue-Cloud2026 project (Horizon Europe). These value-added products will address scientific questions derived from coastal ocean observations across Europe. The workflow will be implemented within a so-called virtual laboratory included in the Blue-Cloud VRE (Virtual Research Environment). The workflow components will span the entire value-added chain and include processing tools, metadata management, generation of standard data formats, and interactive visualizations.
Job position: SOCIB headquarters in Palma (Balearic Islands) - until June 2026 (end of project)
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
More information:
Applicants should send a CV and all the required documentation to