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Note: We are currently looking for new committee members to contribute to our activities, including website updates. Contact us if you are interested!

Postdoc position in Southern Ocean biogeochemistry (Kingston, Rhode Island)

University of Rhode Island, University of California Santa Barbara

We seek 1-2 postdocs to work with a collaborative team from the University of Rhode Island and University of California Santa Barbara to investigate the nitrogen and silicon isotope paleoproxies in the Southern Ocean. Position will remain open until filled. [Read More]

Postdoc position in climate variability (Bologna, Italy)

University of Bologna

The Climate Variability Group at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences at University of Bologna is looking for a highly motivated, committed, and creative postdoctoral fellow to work for a 2 year period (3 years also possible) on Climate Variability within the ObsSea4Clim project framework ( ). [Read More]