Two new term federal positions are now open at NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory in Boulder, CO. These hires can be at either the ZP-3 (developmental) or ZP-4 (full performance) level. Duties (at the ZP-4 level) include:
Conduct and direct research, analyze data, interpret results and reports findings of national significance to enhance real-time forecasts of physical coastal variables, including mean and extreme water levels along the US coastline. Develop original research ideas and use a variety of approaches, methods, and procedures to plan and execute assignments. Resolve issues/problems that significantly affect scientific programs. Write research proposals and contribute findings in scientific reports and/or papers for publication in peer reviewed scientific journals. Lead and conduct the development of prediction systems providing actionable forecasts for potential users, on sub-seasonal to annual time scales, and for atmospheric and oceanic conditions impacting predictions of variations in sea level. Using expertise in the physics and dynamics of the coastal climate system, conduct and direct development of regional ocean modeling and/or advanced statistical techniques that identify oceanic and other climate sources of coastal predictability to improve sub-seasonal to annual forecast guidance of coastal oceanic conditions. Work with appropriate forecast agencies to develop plans to test and transition new forecast products for operational uses. Publish and present research at scientific conferences and working groups. Provide advice to managers, stakeholders, members of the public and/or other individuals and groups
Applications are taken 2/7/23-2/21/23. For more, see here: