Deadline: April 30, 2023
Our Division of Ocean Prediction and Applications (OPA) is looking for a new position of Post-Doc/Junior Scientist, with the role of Ocean Modeller, with strong knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and very high-resolution modelling (e.g. unstructured grid or multiple nesting), and programming skills.
The position will take on a pivotal role within the coastal ocean and relocatable modelling team in implementing, developing and testing multiple numerical models (circulation, waves, ecosystem, sediments), adding coupling procedures between the different physics. In particular, the successful candidate will join SURF relocatable ocean platform (SURF website) research group. We offer an inspiring working environment, development opportunities and support from our friendly research team.
The main aim is to study extreme coastal events, such as sea level extremes and flooding, implementing a virtual “replica” of the natural nearshore environment (e.g. models for the Digital Twin of the Ocean) by means of this suite of numerical models. Investigation on the role of Nature Based Solutions (e.g. seagrass meadows, marshland, sand dunes) in the coastal ocean zones will be performed in terms of mitigation and adaptation against Climate Change.
Specific objectives are: the improvement of the coupling complexity of the deterministic numerical models calibrating them with observations; the investigation of the physical processes involved in the flow-ecosystem interactions; the correct quantification of the coastal protection services provided by the ecosystems.
The activities will be focused both on research developments in ocean field and on transition to the operational forecasting activities of the OPA division. The duties will also include processing and interpreting simulation-based and observational data sets.
It is desired to hold following qualifications:
PhD or equivalent experience in Physical Oceanography, Coastal Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics or other scientific disciplines dealing with numerical modelling (e.g. Physics, Mathematics);
experience in developments and implementations of coastal ocean models;
good knowledge and skills in programming language (i.e Python and Fortran/C);
knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating systems and script languages (i.e. nix shell);
knowledge of parallel programming on HPC architectures;
fluency in English.
Belonging to legally protected categories (ex L. 68/99) will constitute a preferential condition.
Some fiscal benefit could be applied for repatriated workers or foreign researchers/professors, having the requirements defined by Dlgs 147/2015 (for repatriates) or Dl 78/2010 (for foreigners).
The job location is CMCC office in Via Marco Biagi 5 Lecce (Italy).
More details and info about HOW TO APPLY:*20Widget