We are looking for a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant to work on submesoscale dynamics in the Southern Ocean as part of the EU-funded SO-CHIC project (http://www.sochic-h2020.eu/). The position is in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading.
The position is to be filled quickly and can extend to the end of October 2024.
The research will aim to exploit submesoscale-resolving simulations and high-resolution observations (e.g., gliders, sailbuoy) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current carried out as part of SO-CHIC. The specifics of the research will build on the strengths of the successful applicant.
The PDRA will work in close collaboration with David Ferreira (University of Reading), David Marshall (University of Oxford) and Ryan Patmore (NOC Liverpool).
For more details about the position and the application link see:
Application deadline: 29/11/2023