Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position as a climate scientist at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Cambridge, UK.

We are looking for a talented and self-motivated scientist to work on the PICANTE – Processes, Impacts, and Changes of ANTarctic Extreme weather project, which aims to transform understanding of the characteristics and drivers of Antarctic extreme weather events, disentangle the roles of human influence and natural climate variability in changes to Antarctic extreme weather events and their drivers, and to use this knowledge to predict future extreme events and their impacts on Antarctic climate and ice. This research will mainly focus on understanding the characteristics and drivers of Antarctic extreme weather events and their impacts for both the present-day and future, with a particular focus on selected ice shelves in Antarctica that are vulnerable to prolonged surface melting and the formation of substantial surface meltwater ponds. This role will require experience running climate models and analysing and visualising climate model and/or observational datasets, as well as a good understanding of climate/meteorology.

Full details of the position and how you apply can be found here:

The closing date for applications is 21 January 2024

For further enquiries please email Dr Andrew Orr: