The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) Early Career Scientists network is open to anyone that self identifies as an early career scientist in physical or chemical sciences of the oceans. Join here.

We are a community that provides networking opportunities, mentoring, conference activities and easy access to information about jobs, field work opportunities, workshops and more. We actively develop and promote initiatives that increase diversity and inclusivity within the ocean sciences. Recent updates from the IAPSO ECS network are published in our newsletter.

Important news and opportunities

Transnational access call 2024 for using polar research infrastructure

The POLARIN project opened a call for access to major polar research infrastructure, including major research vessels. This call also targets early career scientists. Please refer to the call for further details.

Cruise opportunity

There is an opportunity to join a research cruise aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth offshore southern Mexico in May/June 2025. Please see the call for participation for further details. The application deadline is November 1st, 2024.

SOLAS Open Science conference 2024

This conference will take place in Goa, India, from 10 to 14 of Novemver 2024. Travel financial support can be obtained.

European Marine Board

The European Marine Board, with its Young Ambassadors, would like to promote and facilitate the work and career of early-career scientists working in EMB organizations. The EMB ECOP Network aims at connecting Early Careers across Europe and proposes training and opportunity to link ocean science and policies at national and European levels. If you wish to be part of this initiative and be included in their communication loops, please fill this form: link. The network is open to all self-identified Early Careers affiliated to one of the members of the European Marine Board (list here). You will be added to the mailing list and receive updates about EMB activities dedicated to Early careers (webinars, workshops, conferences, etc).

Manifesto for Early Career Researchers

The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) published a manifesto for Early Career Researchers to call for broad and robust support to early career investigators and scholars in times of uncertainty.

Joint ECS efforts are critical to furthering our understanding of the oceans

Early career scientist networks are rapidly growing, help you to contribute to the community, and help to further our understanding of the ocean. Check out this EGU blog post by IAPSO ECS former committee member Arvind Singh to read more about the importances of ECS networks in our community.